Thursday, August 27, 2009

All quiet

Tomorrow Edie and Marlie get fixed, finally. As a result, they'll be out of it for a while, so I hope Loretta gives them a break. We'll be seeing.

The other night I noticed that Loretta sometimes dozes with her eyes open. Her body twitches and her eyes roll as she dreams about one thing or another -- rawhide chews, open fields, the rancid enticements of the compost heap.

For once there's no chaos to report here. Incredible.


  1. Good luck, kitties! Hope it goes smoothly and Lo leave you alone to recuperate.

    My Idiot's Guide to Dogs said that dogs sometimes need to be confined to a small area of the house so they don't use the whole place as a toilet. I tried to use a bell to train Rufus to ask to go outside, but he tore the bell off the wall to play with it. :)

  2. Remember the dreamworlds of Bruny and Zia, O? I often thought they'd found the canine equivalent of the wardrobe in Narnia.
