Friday, August 21, 2009

Lo's new extended family

Loretta received her first piece of mail the other day: a box of goodies from her aunt and uncle in New Jersey. Among them was a stuffed animal (a snake with leopard spots and a squeaking head) that Loretta can't get enough of. Whenever we hear it squeak, we can rest assured that Loretta isn't up to no good -- that she isn't harassing the kittens, isn't chewing through speaker cables, isn't ******* [see previous post].

We're not sure how old she is. Her trainer at the SPCA said 11 months; the vet said two years. We suspect that she's on the younger end, which gives me hope of a bright future.

(I should use quotes around "trainer." Trained to do what, I ask. Trained to sit? No. To stay? No. To practice the art of dung shui? Ah, right, now I get it.)

1 comment:

  1. Or maybe Lo's heard the line, "To age is obligatory. To mature...optional!"
