Monday, August 24, 2009


The culprit behind Loretta's running rear. That was the vet's conclusion this afternoon. Lo's now on medication, so maybe, just maybe, we'll be able to lay down our rugs again soon.

The vet, upon inspecting Lo's teeth, suggested that she's no older than one year. That means that she and the kittens (as well as their geographically departed friend Rufus) all came into the world at about the same time. 2008 was a good year for pets.

This morning Lo romped in the dog park with a fellow black lab. They ran and reared up together like wild horses. It was beautiful. Lo is good at making fast friends, canine and human alike. (Felines are another matter, although Edie and Marlie get ballsier by the day. We suspect that their friendship with Rufus -- even more energetic than Lo, but much, much smaller -- gave them early and valuable insights into the canine mind. If the kitts really wanted to be proactive about their relationship with Lo, they would probably just give her a good swipe on the snout.)

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