Loretta and Edie. a peaceful coexistence.
Oliver has a temporary work assignment, which means that Lolo stays at home alone these days. We're taking turns biking home at lunchtime to take her for a midday walk. Unfortunately, when she's left alone, Loretta descends into a panic, and her butt becomes a diarrhea faucet.
I think we must have the cleanest house on the block, because we mop the floors and wash the walls every goddamn day. (Mom, the oriental rug is still pristine--we rolled up and put away our rugs weeks ago)
I've read that separation anxiety is a common problem with dogs. I guess the presence of cats isn't a comfort. A woman at the dog park offered to leave her sweet, calm pug with Loretta during the day, to see if that helps. I'm willing to try just about anything.
Some day, we will arrive home from work and our house won't smell like shit.